Gasser Family Crest
Welcome to the GASSER family tree archive!

The purpose of this non-profit page is a simple one. To record, store and display as much Gasser family tree information as possible. I would personally like to invite everyone related to the Gasser name to contribute as much as possible.

With the information contributed, this site will create a comprehensive graphical representation of the Gasser tree. Included will be scanned photographs, AVI's, sound clips as well as the standard tree structure including hyperlinks and embedded objects. Given enough information we will include an optional VRML experience. We are looking for birth/death information, marriage/divorce information, children/adoptions, schooling, associations, important historical documents (War records, Patents, achievements, etc...) All the documents that you have been keeping in the attic or under the bed can now be preserved forever. The bottom line of this page is that I would like to make a personal contribution to every Gasser everywhere. Now and in into the future, this page will hopefully serve as the single, most accurate source of all information that is Gasser.

Any and all information given to this site will NOT be sold, distributed, reproduced or given to any person or organization outside of this site and it's operating authority. As this site is still in its infancy, suggestions are as welcome as well as viable content. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, suggestions, or contributions.

As a peek into the hopefully near future, this site will look forward to offering free personal Web pages as well as free POP3 mail to all Gasser relatives. Given enough participation and interest, we look forward to providing this service to all that is Gasser soon!!!

Thank you very much,

Chip Gasser

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Please feel free to contact me at
Glenmoore, Pennsylvania, USA

This site created March 1998

© 2018 C.B. Gasser Jr.